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Turkish Websites and Newspapers: Syrian-Turkish Border Transferred into Center for Armed Groups and Spies with AKP Government’s Support

Posted by satyrikon στο 13 Οκτωβρίου, 2012

the real Syrian Free Press


The Turkish Sol Haber website stressed that the Syrian-Turkish border area has been transferred into a center for armed terrorist groups and foreign spies with the support of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government which ignore the infiltration of terrorist gunmen to Syria across the borders.

The website stressed that there are evidence on that the AKP government is ignoring the terrorist infiltration attempts to Syria across the Turkish borders since the beginning of the events.

It added that the AKP government turned the border with Syria into a center for those who call themselves armed Syrian opposition members, foreign spies and other various groups.

The website supported its evidence with the interview made by the CNN Turk TV with gunmen from the mercenary terrorist groups which call themselves «the Free Army» in the bordering town of Akcakale, as one of the gunmen stressed that he was going…

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