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Alabama Supreme Court Takes Up Obama Birth Question

Posted by satyrikon στο 16 Μαΐου, 2013



Alabama Supreme Court Reviews Shocking Evidence Obama’s Birth Certificate Likely A Forgery


False bend showing margin of book


» We’ve written here before that the cascade of lies coming out of Obama and his administration raises reasonable doubt about everything Obama and his supporters have told the American people since he first appeared on the national political scene. This makes the unanswered questions about Obama’s birth certificate fair game for renewed inquiry.  Kenyans like to boast that he’s a native son(although that could easily be wishful thinking), while the Attorney General has threatened politicians who have looked into the matter.

Despite Obama’s efforts to squash the topic, though, it just keeps popping right back up. The Supreme Court of Alabama currently has pending before it yet another case challenging Barack Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service (“draft”) card.

So far, courts have dismissed all of cases questioning Obama’s birth certificate. This…

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