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BANKFURT MOLE: Merkel ‘in a prison of her own making’

Posted by satyrikon στο 9 Αυγούστου, 2012

The Slog

Merkel: «she can’t control Draghi now»

«Germany must desert the eurozone, and the Chancellor must engineer that»

The German Chancellor returns from holiday next week. The Slog’s veteran Frankfurt banking mole says she has made the task of educating the Germans about Euroblown extremely difficult…and has only a limited window in which to do it.

«The ordinary German has no idea what we are taking on,» The Slog’s long-serving Frankfurt Mole ‘Maulwurf’ told me this lunchtime, «They see a grand project and Germany at the centre of a strong Europe eventually. Of all the European nations, they are perhaps the worst informed about the realities of the euro disaster».

In many ways, the Bankfurt Maulwurf is right. German public opinion is strongly opposed to Greece staying in the eurozone and getting «yet more» help as they see it, but comprehension of why Greece is in the mess it is…

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