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AMERICAN REACH: How electing a President could start World War III

Posted by satyrikon στο 17 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2012

The Slog

The World Trade Organisation is just another front for US business

Three little facts to start us off here: first, today (Monday) the Black Dude in the White House is due to make a speech in Ohio – known for manufacturing and exporting a whole lot less than it used to…and where the hopelessly unemployed slide off the statistics, to be then mendaciously claimed by Obama as ‘back in work’. The President is to hold two campaign rallies there, so he needs something to say.
Second, last Saturday Mitt Romney, his opponent in November, dished out a podcast in which he said,  “In 2008, candidate Obama promised to take China ‘to the mat’. But since then, he’s let China run all over us.”
Third, candidate Romney is kind of weak on the moving former US jobs offshore dimension. So within eighteen hours of the Romcast, the Obama campaign responded with…

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