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SYRIAN ‘ATTACK ON TURKEY’: Am I the only one who’s suspicious about this?

Posted by satyrikon στο 4 Οκτωβρίου, 2012

The Slog

Hague…small bald idiot

In their rush to judgement on this issue, the Allies have failed to find a plausible motive.

On July 29th last, The Slog posted a piece on Syria entitled, ‘Why Syria is a potential Sarajevo that could engulf us all’. That prediction appeared to come tragically true yesterday when, allegedly, the Damascus regime shelled an area in Turkey, killing five Turkish citizens.

Unsurprisingly (given their avowed intent to remove the Assad regime in Syria) the Americans and British roundly condemned the action. Hague in particular was up the American backside faster than you could say shock and awe, proclaiming that  it represented an «outrageous act. I condemn the violence from the Syrian regime which has led to the deaths of a number of Turkish citizens, including a mother and her children.»

Clearly, the Mekon had already decided this must be Damascus’s handiwork. What he doesn’t seem to have…

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